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4 entries this month

Mr. D's Basic Advice on 'Hunting'

18:13 Jan 13 2006
Times Read: 838

Most of my regular readers will be aware that I enjoy the taste of blood. It just so happens that I'm in the mood once more, and am drawing up tactics to secure another late supper. So, on the to process of finding the donor! I could sleaze around some club and get one. The Internet is also never a bad place to find them...problem being, most of those looking online are children. When I was sixteen, that would have been fine, but at my age..there are obvious legal considerations.

There is quality to consider as well. Different diets equal different tastes, as do prescribed medications and illicit drugs. Someone with too much fat between the tissue, for example, often tastes unbearably salty. Likewise, those taking antibiotics can come across tasting entirely foul. Those in good health, therefore, shall be your target. I've heard it said that health food fanatics taste better; but I prefer those who eat meat. In my experience, those hippies tend to have very thin blood! You might as well be drinking piss. Those who eat fish are good choices.

But quality doesn't just imply taste, it also embodies the potential from disease transmission. It doesn't seem people are as concerned about this as they should be. It's true, that the acid in your stomach is known to kill even the AIDS virus on contact..but it won't save your bleeding gums or minor tears in your esophagus from absorbing those little nasties. I cannot stress the idea of extreme discrimination enough when selecting a target. If you are not going to get a blood test done, you should probe nonetheless. Be sure to ask about prior sexual history as well as any intravenous drug use. Even your average pot smoker is suspect! The chances aren't large, but since they have a habit of smoking in a circle of friends or strangers from the same device, you must observe the risk of infection through oral contact once more. All in all, the only sure way is to test..but most of you aren't going to do that. So your second best defense is to become a human lie detector. If you sense something shady about your prey at any point, trust your gut, and move on..don't get greedy!

Another aspect of hunting in this way is discretion. Most of us wouldn't want our blood lusts to be the talk of the town..so making sure the person is solid always comes first! Any donor you find could be potentially dangerous to you, so it may be a good idea not to use your real name when hunting. This is quite common in the "vampyre" community and in clubs in general; so no need to feel odd about it.

You should avoid selecting people who are with friends..look for the loners. Friends, especially with females, can be an issue. For one, they will never shut up long enough for you to get a word in. Most importantly, you will eventually need to get this person alone. If they are attached to some bleached blond reject with an attitude..this can pose a problem. Try to avoid making a spectacle of yourself, at all costs. That means no Seinfeld fluffy shirts for you! If you are sincere in your intentions, the right people will sense it..and be drawn from there.

Also, since we've landed on appearances. Don't go out of your way to show them just how dark you think you are. If you think you might enjoy butchering people, do yourself a favor and don't mention it..ever. You'll scare the fish! You will not be anymore a vampire just because you trying to seem strange and unusual. And don't make outrageous claims either, like that you are 2,000 years old(even in spirit) or have fangs. I am a vampire, and all without the benefit of elongated canines, homo erotic attire, or super strength. I don't sleep in a coffin, speak with some fake accent, claim eternal youth, or wear a shit ton of "ooooh soooo goth" makeup to impress the poseurs! Often times, predators get by through their ability to blend-in. I suggest you take a cue..and get with the hunt.

I hoped you learned a little something from this, and that you'll take my advice about being covert. It really will make your life better all around. Take care, and be careful how deep you cut.

- D




My truth about the 'community'...

17:57 Jan 13 2006
Times Read: 845

***Of what is said in the following, know that it implies no disrespect to the Elders(those who have earned their place) in our community or any other. This document references mostly the bottom-feeders in our culture..so be aware of it before reading***

What about the 'vampyre' community? I'll put this in the plainest English I know how: be ready to glean through a whole lot of s**t to get to the gold!

Hocus Pocus and miscellaneous illusions are all you'll get with the greater of this bunch. Truth be told, this is consistent with any esoteric subculture..and they are esoteric. Or at least they enjoy coming off that way! Sit down and have a talk with any of these so-called "vampyres" and you'll spot the gaping void in their respective mythos immediately. Like so many mythically inclined groups of the world, all questions posed by them are not really questions at all, and no answer is sufficient. Since there is no clear or testable criteria to examine their "theories", the resultant boomerang is one based in word-salad and an undying grip to cliches of gothic romance novels.

Now, I'm not going to put myself through some boorish dissertation on the origins of these groups..so we'll just hit a few of the basic points at this time.

There are many 'vampyre' orgs out there. The main function being to facilitate socialization and fellowship, as well as exchange information. The majority of the articles you'll find on these sites are either about events, or vampire related pop-phenomena..go figure. Some of these are worth your while, most are not. Those who choose to associate with many of these group are often expected to follow the tenets set forth in the 'Black Veil'. These are 13 more or less common sense rules to follow while operating outside, but especially inside the community. This work, co-authored primarily by Michelle Belanger and Sebastian Todd, has been through a few revisions. The latest being the most acceptable of them. They operate various groups and business fronts that cater to those with the vampire esthetic, but alas, many of them are just Life Stylers.

From my point of view, the majority of them are 'life stylers', even if they don't dress like Frank Langella's atypical Dracula! For instance, they choose to spell 'vampire' as 'vampyre'..stating that this differentiates them from the vampire of legend. Hate to burst your bubbles you lace and rubber-clads..but there's a lot more than that which sets you apart from the undead. The most obvious being the fact that you are alive.

This isn't such a big concern, since being dead is not necessarily a requisite for meeting the diagnostic criteria. Technically, you need only be a person who drains the resources of another..one who carries out the actions of a vampire. Interpret that last line as you may, I know they do.

The next is one of my favorite differences, because it unnerves me so. A vampire, is by definition, a predator. Let me state that again, a predator! So much of the current vampyre culture are so concerned with the idea of trespassing against the boundaries of another, taking the typical socially safe perspective of respecting that personal space. Through merciless layers of fodder and ten pounds of sugar-coating, they are in fact, pulling off a 'Children of the Corn'. This is evident in the way they try to redefine traditional meanings, and excise exclusive definitions so that it suits their own needs and includes them. I'm sure this sounds familiar, as people do it all the time.

The need, is one of feeling unique while at the same time desiring to be a part of something larger..henceforth they are not unique at all. They, like so many badge wearing white-lighters, are offended by 'misuse' of these terms. I'll let you in on something, 'vampyre' is still 'vampire' anyway you slice it, and we all know it. It's a loaded word, and you didn't put the bullets in! So, if you're going to use that term to identify yourself, expect that people will question it instead of moping about how misunderstood you are. After all, you and I both know that those Robert Smith-induced tears and word for word quotations are your only shield against being found out as the poseur you are.

Then there are these Lestat wannabes. You will mostly run into these types online, and their goal is generally no less than to collect a following of gullible admirers. The average offender in this arena is usually a male between 13 and 35 years of age. The actual age is unimportant, however, since they will undoubtedly lie anyway. Usually they opt to inflate it by no less than 80 years or so. You would think that if someone told you that they were 300 years old, you would either laugh or smack them in the face! But alas, they tend to pick on, or are sought out by teenagers. Anyone who is no longer in their teenage years know exactly how easily lead they can be. Still at that magical age where most dreams still seem possible..this type takes advantage of that twilight state, knowingly or otherwise.

Most of their victims are women, and no offense to the ladies, but this makes his job very easy. Most women want to hear the same thing, at any age, and if you have that and a well practiced line of gothic bulls***t..it's cake. These creeps even claim such things as burning in sunlight, having retractable fangs, telepathic abilities, and though less common..flight and the ability to shape shift.

Let's touch on the shape shifting first; if you are diluted enough to believe this past age 5, you are a discredit to the human race. Shape shifting, if possible, is entirely metaphysical and more often metaphorical.

As for the whole burning in sunlight thing, according to most folklore..sunlight never affected vampires in the slightest. Nocturnal creatures are just that, but no one bursts into flames because of the sun..unless they are way too close to it. This, once again, has more to do with metaphor than fact. Telepathy is seldom more than cold-reading, flight is ridiculous, and those retractable fangs of his were purchased at the local mall and produced by Scarecrow!

Stepping back a bit. After these 'master vampyres' have ensnared their prey..the only question is what to do with them after they have their trust. For the lucky ones, they get dropped shortly after..never hearing from their midnight Casanova again. For those who are not so lucky, they are forced to confront the actual motivations for such behavior in the first place. These motivations consisting of sex, psychosis, or power. For men playing this game, the first and third are the norms and go hand-and-hand. The second, being more rare.

That said they will now, in combination or not, proceed to chase their goal. This always means more mental manipulation, at least, and his 'Dark Queen' is little more than a cum dumpster to him in the end. In fact, having multiple subjects to manipulate at the same time isn't the exception, but the rule. He needs to feel adored because of his internal doubt, and his subjects worship makes him feel like god while he eats his TV dinner. Still yet, there are the types driven by all three motivations, and these are the real boogeymen...serial killers/rapists. These people, in all honesty, are the reason vampire stories and Little Red Riding Hood were written. These are true predators, and use the Internet as pseudo-anonymous means to lure victims. These are not nearly as uncommon as you might expect..whether or not this is a good thing, I'll leave the reader to decide.

Still, with all it's snake tongues and Halloween trappings, there are a great deal of pleasurable aspects to the community as well. For the discerning adult, a whole range of forbidden pleasures and taboo treats lie just one hook-up away..provided you have the right hook-up. The 'vampyre' scene clicks well with BDSM, the Occult, and the modern 'Goth' subculture. These alone will afford you hours of amusement effortlessly. There are perks to belonging to certain groups, and lots of larger areas have 'havens'.

This is yet another unfortunate plague! The predominance of the use of role playing terminology; particularly from Vampire: The Masquerade. Keep far away from anyone involved in vampire role playing at ALL costs! This is an easy way to be shunned by those who are serious about what they are doing. There are also some very nice events put together by the community..but I'll leave those for you to find if you are still interested. The long and the short of it is though, it's only as interesting and unattainable as human beings can make it sound. Think about that before you go knocking on doors.

I could easily spew on forever about this but I would get bored with myself very quickly. I hope this small bit of info has given you some idea what it's all about. Probably not though. Do I have a personal definition for what I think a person calling themselves a vampire should be? As a matter of fact, I do. This always works well for me, and though it is more exclusive than some people like, I feel it is accurate. A 'vampire' then, should be a person or ghost who feels the compulsive desire to drink blood or otherwise devour and absorb life. Note, that I say compulsive, not contrived. True, that this is an art that can be controlled..but I am speaking specifically of those who naturally exist with the condition.

I apologize for rushing through this, but like you, I have a life. I hope this will help you sort out some of the losers and maybe avoid a problem. Thank you for reading..and remember: The average 'vampyre' you will encounter is no more than a pimply faced 13 year old in a Cradle of Filth shirt..don't be led. Find the honest ones and move through from there. You might be glad you did.

- D




i wonder just what it is i'm talking about..hmm

17:39 Jan 13 2006
Times Read: 846

I want to saw you off..rip you apart. I can't tolerate the way you control me; but I'll always give in. I am shamed by your appetites, yet we share them so well. Still, I look to you with disdain. My most saccharine motives are stained with your hunger for flesh...but you can know nothing else. You can't understand, your mind locked to mine..as I hold the key to your freedom. Oh, how you possess me! The extension of my basest will, and kin to my greed, you'll always be the bigger man to me. "Live for consumption!", this is our honorless creed...how I loathe you! It's an addiction, a need for the skin and fluid..if Mother only knew!

But I'll continue to hide you, keep you in the dark..until those times when some fairness brings you out. In those hours, we know no fear..no shame, nor pain! But when you are done, my eyes grow cold..and those old demons stir. And when the shows over, you shrink away and leave me barren..I feel used! Used for some fire that I can't now comprehend..your mistakes cut me deep, but for these aches I cannot speak. So move to the darkness..into the cloth, you've had your fill..and until next time, both of our bellies will yearn for that kill.

- D




I posted this in the forums, but I felt it deserved a place here...

15:03 Jan 13 2006
Times Read: 855

Hello, this is my first post..so I hope it is amusing. I think banter like this should lead somewhere, so I'll attempt to be as brief as possible. In opening I will state that a lot of people here seem to be as uncomfortable with science as they are with study in general. I do not regard Hollywood, VtM, or the FVZA as worthwhile sources of information, so if that upsets you..you might wish to stop reading. This may not be pretty..now you've been informed.

First and foremost, I would suggest that if we are gonna learn something of value, we disperse with the bulls***t. Each and every one of you posting here is human. I'll say that again because some of you don't get it yet..h-u-m-a-n, a primate. The natural response I'll get to this is along the lines of, "But I only meant if metaphorically..you don't understand!!" My simple response is..no you didn't, and yes I do. I am well aware that lots of you here still wait in cemeteries at night because you think you're 'Dark Prince' will sense your eternal devotion..lasting until you pass puberty..and take you away from this world of so-called 'sorrow'. There are people that will do that for you, but in the real world we title them as serial killers. In the future, you could be better suited referring to those not involved in vampirism as 'mundane'..and you'll be taken more seriously by those who themselves are serious about practicing it. Now that we've covered that much, we'll move on to this so-called "vampire virus".

Lots of you seem to be quite fond of this virus idea, and that it somehow has the ability to transform you into your "true selves". Before I explain to you why that cannot possibly be true..we should remember that the vampire of folklore is essentially a dead mass of flesh that is reanimated through supernatural means. Even the separate, and more correct, interpretation of the vampire as a form of wraith clearly speaks that on any level, there is no biological connection.

That said, let's explain what a virus is and how it works. A virus is basically a protein-coat filled with DNA, it does not have the ability to replicate itself..needing a host cell to produce future generations. It finds a pore on a healthy cell, and injects it's own DNA into it..after which point the originating virus ceases to be effective, and becomes a husk. Then the host cell, mistaking the viral DNA for it's own, begins to replicate the DNA(or RNA for retro-viruses) while building new proteins to support new viruses. After the process of incubation is complete, the viral offspring having nowhere else to go..burst through the host cell wall, destroying it through the rupture. There is no cell with a pore big enough that it could support the exit of these new viruses without breaking apart..likewise a virus cannot continue to exist in your body if it does not pollinate and destroy other cells, without means of replicating, it would become instinct after it's first injection. This is exactly why the virus idea does not hold water. It could never spread well enough to change anything..because you'd be dead before it got even half way there. Also, the DNA injected by a virus if coming into contact with your "human" DNA will cause the cease of functions of that cell..which still means eventual death. With the exception of certain retro-viruses that sometimes do not kill the cell, but also only affect a small percentage of cells..and are normally killed by your immune system which destroys cells that show evidence of viral infection(as with AIDS). Even if it remained latent long enough to produce more cells, those cells would simply produce the virus..which will continue to kill cells until your death. This would make any disease claiming lycanthropic or vampiric origins quite unlikely.

So, I hope we're all getting the picture..which is death, death, death! And having come full circle to it, we once again come to the conclusion that vampirism is the effect of one of two things. The supernatural, or the psychological..however not necessarily both. Let's explore those in shorthand now.

If we are talking about dead human beings that have been physically reanimated and sense the express purpose in existence of drinking blood..then there is no question, you are referring to the supernatural. That which is caused by magic or unseen spiritual entities..This is the essence of the true concept of "living dead". There is no alternative. Likewise for a physical werewolf..that type of transformation is illogical to a degree bordering on insanity! If you don't believe me, humor me with an experiment. Now, you'll need a trash compactor for this and a good friend. Go right on ahead and stuff your little body into it with all the garbage..now, call on your buddy to close the door and press the green button! In just moments, your body will begin to bend and shift in ways you could not have imagined..and afterwards you'll feel quite transformed at that. I don't think I have to say anymore..it should be obvious that the human body just doesn't allow for the shifting of bones and organs to that great of a degree.

"Scientists were rated as great heretics by the church, but they were truly religious men because of their faith in the orderliness of the universe." - Albert Einstein

If we are speaking of a dead human that returns as a murderous ghost(a vampire is a predator)..we again shift into the realm of the occult..and the psychology of desire. That desire being to remain existent. I believe that if we choose to look at the vampire in this light, it should be regarded as more of a skill..and less a forced thing. A person who wishes not to be broken down, and chooses to avoid it and remain by stealing the life energy of others. If you believe in the myths, which some of you do, these deprecations usually resulted in eventual death. So let's avoid being mealy-mouthed and pretend that the majority of these 'drains' are solicited in any sense. It should be noted that it's not necessary to be dead to practice this type of psychic vampirism. The true werewolf, for a believer, falls into this category as well. Here we discuss a still living being who chooses, like his brethren, to assume a new form.

However, in the case of the werewolf (at least in the sense of physical attack)..a massive amount more energy is required to sustain such projections. For not only is the apparition often visible in times such as this, but the act of etheric energy directly affecting solid matter is a great task indeed. Once again, this is all metaphysics, not science!

"We do not believe in immortality because we can prove it, but we try to prove it because we cannot help believing it." - Harriet Martineau

Our ending task is to observe the idea that these changes are exclusively the result of psychological factors..and mean little to nothing, while potentially having no effect outside of the minds of those who believe it. In this case, we are speaking of nothing less than the symptom of various forms of psychosis or derangement. In medicine/psychiatry neither one of these is recognized as an illness per se officially..but are both merely symptoms of a delusional disorder.

Lycanthropy, as a symptom, is actually quite rare among those who feel that they can change physically. For the average shrink, when it's common, it's more common for them to run into someone claiming to change to a bird or even a deer. It's certainly an oddball among typical symptoms, but it thought to occur mainly due to cultural factors and assumptions. In TV and books, especially in the US..if someone is transforming into any sort of creature..a lot of times it a werewolf. The people that feel this change, then begin to simply associate it with what they already know. And in the mind of a psychotic, it isn't a giant leap of logic.

The act of vampirism too, though more common of a symptom, is also thought of as a minority in the field. Despite what some people seem to think they know about the so-called 'Reinfields Syndrome'..it's not an officially recognized term, and isn't actually used among many psychologists to my knowledge.

Vampirism is a more common occurrence, in these terms, simply because the icon of the vampire has had an undeniably crashing impact on our culture. For most it is a phase brought on by fixation, though for some it is a compulsive behavior that may or may not have been brought about by the cultural obsession with the vampire. Regardless of how they came to it, they will eventually..and quite logically associate these feelings with what they perceive of vampires. In effect, some of them will take on "traditional" characteristics of vampires as they understand it. This includes photosensitivity at it's most common point, but can spiral all the way to an aversion to symbols which the sufferer perceives wrongly as having an effect on a vampire.

"A person will worship something, have no doubt about that. We may think our tribute is paid in secret in the dark recesses of our hearts, but it will out. That which dominates our imaginations and our thoughts will determine our lives, and our character. Therefore, it behooves us to be careful what we worship, for what we are worshipping we are becoming." - R. W. Emerson

So, what is this cure all about, after all? It depends on which stance you took in this document. If you believe that the vampire is physical and undead, the only light at the end of the tunnel is termination through familiar methods. And as some have pointed out, this may not even bring end to the cycle.

If you are more of the mind that vampires in spirit form, whether alive or dead feed only on energy..then the answer follows. Living or dead, you could simply stop feeding in that way. The dead vampire will completely disintegrate as it is and return to the fabric of the universe. The living vampire who feeds this way can simply stop! The whole concept of your vampiric instinct eventually overpowering you and making you feed subtly is nothing but rubbish. This is a skill, lets not make it out to be something more so we can slink back into the dark ages of ignorance because it's more fun to be a kid. If you truly feel, however, that you cannot stop on your own..I suggest seeking the help of someone just as gullible with a background in the occult..and perhaps collectively you may dispel it. And with plenty of white-light trappings to be sure!

As for those of us who have come across these problems for more mental reasons, if you are truly bothered by the symptoms I suggest seeking professional help. This is probably a good idea for anyone wishing to stop (barring the first category of course) anyway, but I wouldn't want to step on any toes. I will say this though, those of you with the mental fixation qualify more as vampires nonetheless..and shouldn't be made to feel unwelcome. In fact, it is my opinion that such people are perhaps much better suited for the title than some I could think of.

I suppose in closing, what you believe is all up to you..and you will make that decision regardless of the opinions I give here today. My only hope is that this has been informative, and will support more productive discussions relating to these subjects in the future. I thank you dearly for reading this far..I hope it helps someone, and I apologize if I offened a few people along the way.

- D



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